Give the gift that puts smiles on their faces.

Want It! button

The Want It! button is a browser bookmarklet that makes it easy to add items to your wish list.

Install it by dragging this: Want It!

to your browser's bookmarks bar:

The Want It! button lets you easily add things you find on websites and blogs to your wish lists (or family members' wish lists). To install, just drag the big red Want It! button to your toolbar and click it when you see an image of something that would be a great gift!

Want It! on iPhones and iPads

The Want It! button works on iOS devices as well, but you can't click and drag there, so it's a bit more complicated. Just follow the steps:

  1. Create a Bookmark First, create a bookmark to this page. You'll hit the button, and then select bookmark to create the bookmark.

  2. Copy the Want It! Script Copy the text below on your iOS device:
    javascript:void((function(d) { var%20e=d.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src','//'+Math.random()*99999999);d.body.appendChild(e) } )(document));
  3. Edit the Link Last, edit the bookmark by clicking the button. Find the bookmark you just created and tap Edit at the bottom.

  4. Paste the Link Then select the bookmark to edit the url, and paste the text into the second field of the bookmark. And now, when you're on a page, you can select that bookmark to add the item to CheckedTwice.

No more holiday stress.

Wouldn't it be nice to know the perfect gift for everyone in your family?

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CheckedTwice is supported by the people who built it.

You can reach us at or 832.429.4483

Thanks and Happy Gifting!